Sunday, July 5, 2009

Square 32: Anniversary

Square 032

I met Danny for the first time at his house on July 4, 2003. He was wearing a red t-shirt. I was immediately attracted to his glossy dark hair and beard, and courtesy.

Danny likes coffee, chocolate, peanut butter and sweet things. He dislikes carrots and watermelon. One of his favourite things that I make is an easy potato recipe for the cottage: dice potatoes with some onion, put it on a large piece of foil, add a pat of butter, salt and pepper, roll up the foil and put it in the top of a hot barbecue for about half an hour.

He taught me how to knit and is also an accomplished knit designer and spinner. He loves all kinds of fibre but is allergic to angora. I can’t tell you his favourite colour (he is always experimenting with something different), but he likes blue.

He grew up in Thompson, Manitoba, a northern mining town. The hustle and bustle of Toronto sometimes wears him out, so he enjoys getting away for the weekend to my place in Guelph, or the cottage. He likes quiet evenings at home, and sleeping in until 10 on weekends. One of our favourite ways to spend an afternoon together is playing Cities and Knights of Catan, Starship Catan, or cribbage. This weekend we taught ourselves two-handed Canasta. We also love walks by the river or through the woods.

Danny is a relaxed, easy-going companion. He can be silly. When he laughs hard he starts to snort and can’t stop.

When I have something important to tell him he will always listen. He is patient, and brings out patience in me, too. When I was younger I used to lose my temper, but since I met Danny it stopped happening.

For this square I used some leftover Noro Silk Garden he gave me, shifting from dark blue-grey to bright green. I like the way it blends and contrasts with the background forest green Cascade, one of the unifying yarns I have been using throughout this project. The red is Ashley’s house yarn from All Strung Out.


  1. Reads like a very tender love story. Beautiful!

  2. Thanks, Pippa. That's what I wanted!
